
On this page you will find a number of links to the websites of people or groups who I personally respect and support.

I am a great believer in giving credit where credit is due, and the fact that I choose to put these links on my website is purely because I endorse the character of the individuals concerned, and the work they do.

Having the good fortune to know good people who are passionate, grounded, humble and very good at what they do is something which I am extremely thankful for, so please do take a look at the links below and find out for yourselves.

Thrive London – Nutritional Therapy

Taru Towers Bsc (hons) NT, MBANT MIFM CNHC is a fully qualified and insured nutritional therapist and functional medicine model practitioner, living in North London, UK.

Through first hand experience, Taru knows the importance of being able to retain one’s energy and mental clarity in a competitive and often stressful work environment. Personal experience has demonstrated to her the potency of the right diet, exercise and mental hygiene in providing not only the capacity to reach personal goals, but thriving whilst doing so. A desire to pass this knowledge on to others is what Thrive London is based upon.

Highgate Hypnosis and Thrive London form a highly effective and vibrant partnership, providing bespoke weight-loss and stress management programs for private clients who wish to make lasting and profound changes to their quality of life. This is achieved through a combination of targeted Dietary Analysis and Nutritional Coaching, Hypnotherapy to address and transform the clients’ underlying patterns of internal dialogue and associated behaviors, along with a program of specific Qigong exercises for deep relaxation and stress-reduction.

For all enquiries please call 0203 372 5274

Sifu Nathan Menaged

Please check out the above link to my teacher’s website, Tai Chi Corner. Although I had been training for approximately 23 years before being introduced to Sifu Nathan’s work, I was searching over many years for a teacher who I could genuinely commit to as their student, thankfully I have found him.

The influence of Sifu Nathan’s teaching has had, and continues to have a profound effect on everything I do. Before I was introduced by my dear friend and teacher Paul Andrews (Sifu Nathan’s U.K. representative) I had no idea what it meant to ‘soften the body’, or how much unconscious habitual tension I carried in my body. So, I highly recommend that you check out Sifu Nathan’s website by clicking on the above link.

Richard Coldman

Richard is not only a wonderful cinematographer and video editor, but also a very experienced and knowledgeable Taiji, Qigong and Bagua practitioner. He has filmed and edited (beautifully I might add!) more than 95% of the videos on my website, and has a genuine understanding of not only what I do, but of how best to convey a visually soothing and peaceful feeling to the viewers.

Richard is also a dear friend who I wholeheartedly endorse, and who’s website link above contains a collection of all the free Qigong videos, which will be added to in the near future with a selection of very compatible instructional videos of his own. He also is responsible for starting the wonderful Simple Qigong Exercises Facebook group, which you can find here:

Highgate Fitness Studios

This is where I teach most of my classes and one-to-one clients, here in North London. Highgate Fitness Studios is run by Leon Baillie, a friend and a gentleman, and a man who is intensely passionate about his work. Leon teaches functional fitness, Indian clubs and kettle bells, is a fantastic boxing coach, and an advocate of regular yoga practice.


The British Association of Therapeutic Hypnotists and NLP Practitioners, is the association which my Hypnosis teacher the late Dr. Vernon Bell was a founder member of in 1951, and which I am a member of.


A wonderful resource of practical information regarding Hypnosis in the U.K.

All About You – Personal Training

Run by David Osgathorpe,  who I have had the pleasure of knowing since 2006, All About You has a great team of trainers who specialize in a variety of fitness disciplines, including rehabilitative work for people who are recovering from injuries. In Highgate, London.

South London Tai Chi

This is the link to my dear friend Hamid Momtahan’s website. Hamid is a wonderful big hearted and generous man who teaches Tai Chi all around South London. Hamid is also a student of Sifu Nathan Menaged and Paul Andrews, and is like myself studying Sifu Nathan’s Three Current Tradition.