
Below are a selection of testimonials, written and kindly submitted by a variety of my clients. . .

“I have been training with Cheyne two or three times a week for 3 ½ years.   Cheyne is a wonderful teacher – calm, supportive and encouraging.  I have multiple sclerosis and mainly do the seated Qi Gong exercises.  Cheyne’s enthusiasm and my regular practice has helped me to improve my mobility, muscle strength and range of movement.  Cheyne has created a fantastic series of seated Qi Gong exercises on his website and I would urge anyone who faces mobility challenges or finds it tiring to leave the home to give them a go.”

Ruth, London.

“Practising Tai Chi and learning the art of consciously relaxing every part of my body has been immensely beneficial to my well being, and to coping with the aches and pains of old age, such as wear and tear, arthritis etc. making me free from taking pain killers or any medication for these complaints.”

Sheila, London.

“My time with Cheyne lead to major positive changes in my life.  Cheyne taught me very powerful techniques which changed the way I spoke to and about myself, allowing negative patterns to fall away.”

Santi, London.

“I’ve been seeing Cheyne for almost 8 years now and I’ve learnt a hell of a lot. Cheyne has equipped me with transformational tools I didn’t even know existed, which have always been there. I now feel more capable than ever and some of the techniques I have learnt over these years have really helped me find myself and become the person I truly am. I feel as though you cannot label the work Cheyne does, other than the fact it helps you self discover. Cheyne has simply helped me to find and make practical use of these tools, which prior to having sessions with Cheyne, I did not know existed.”

ZN (Age 20)

“Cheyne’s techniques are subtle and deeply supportive.  He very gently encouraged me to explore the blocks in my life and helped me silence the negative inner chat that had plagued me for most of my life.  He has helped me to accept all of myself and see my place in the world.  I will be forever grateful. Thank you  Cheyne.”

Sarah, London.

“Before Cheyne, I had seen many therapist, some better than others but I felt that none of them truly understood or listened to me and therefore were unable to help me. When I am trying to describe how he has helped me, I only hope my words can do justice.

When I first started seeing him, I was in a very dark and negative place, didn’t particularly have faith in therapists as I had already seen so many. Unlike others he genuinely cared and listened, never judged. His calming energy made it easy for me to relax, trust and open up. Without me telling, he could easily spot the issues and problems.

After each session I felt a little bit better than I had before. He didn’t just only listen, he taught me tools how to cope and how to face the challenges that life throws at us with grace and dignity.

It’s been a long journey but finally I am on the right path. I started as a very messed up, insecure girl and I have transformed into confident woman who knows her own value (even more so every day). I finally feel that I own my own life and that I am in charge of it. I recommend Cheyne to anyone. He is a fantastic therapist and I feel truly blessed that I found him.”

Sirle, London.

 “Got out of my mind this afternoon..
And into my body… more
With Cheyne Towers my Qi Gong teacher, one of the best teachers I have ever had, totally delightful man.”

Steven, London.

“When I discovered Cheyne’s videos I immediately thought he had a unique
way to communicate the spirit of Qi Gong practice. Not only does he give
very clear instructions, making sure you get the most out of the
exercises, he also offers inspirational images and thoughts to accompany
the exercises, which give an extra dimension to the sessions.

I find I can engage very easily in my practice following Cheyne’s advice. However busy I may be, I’m able to dedicate some time each day, even if it’s just ten minutes, and the exercises help ground and soothe me when I am feeling
stressed. It’s great to have finally found good, reliable, well thought-out and inspirational videos so I can develop my practice. Thanks Cheyne!”

Sandi, Liverpool.

“I had to get physical therapy for a knee problem about 5 years ago.  The therapist told me that there was a 90% chance that I will never walk without a limp even with therapy.

I joined a Falun Gong group for a couple of months and was really surprised that my limp disappeared.  So a couple of months ago I had some back pain and started looking on-line for some Qi Gong exercises since the physical therapy didn’t help.

Cheyne’s videos were better than any of the others that I tried.  He is very knowledgeable and his explanations are very helpful.  The exercises are easy and a lot of fun.  My back pain is already gone and I can walk better.  I am a musician and play a wind instrument.  The placement of the tongue in Qi Gong helped open my throat and now I have a better sound.  The exercises make it easier to get more air in my lungs so I have better breath support”.

Suzanne, Durham, NC, USA.

“A couple of years ago I was suffering from back pain and was diagnosed with degenerative changes in my lumbar spine.  I had bad posture and my back would hurt if I stood for a while.  I had practiced a form of QiGong about 10 years ago and had great results for a knee problem.  I searched the internet for a good QiGong website, and looked at a lot of videos.

Cheyne’s videos were superior to everything else I saw.  He explains things clearly and gives detailed instructions for each of the poses he demonstrates.  He has a deep understanding of QiGong and the exercises he demonstrates are easy to learn.  I have been practicing with his videos for about 1 1/2 years.

I recently had a bone density scan and was happy to learn that the bone density in my lumbar spine has improved by 12%.  I took calcium, but I believe much of the improvement is due to the QiGong exercises from Cheyne’s website.  The doctor said that instead of degenerative changes, it could be arthritis.

I rarely have back pain and my posture has improved greatly.  Obviously this has made a huge difference in my life since I look and feel so much better”.
